November 2008 |
May 7, 1932 |
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad |
St. Mary's College, Port-of-Spain
University College, Dublin, Ireland (B.A. in English and History)
CAREER: Following his graduation from University College, De Verteuil was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in Ireland in 1962. After a short period of missionary work in Nigeria, he returned to Trinidad where he taught at his alma mater, St. Mary's College, from 1963 until his retirement in 1992. He seved as Principal of St. Mary's from 1978 to 1992. His term at St. Mary's was interrupted briefly from 1966-68 when he served as Vice-Principal at Fatima College. His publications include:
- Sir Louis de Verteuil 1800-1900 (1973)
- Trinidad`s French Verse 1850-1900 (1979)
- The Story of Gene Smiles and the Gas Station Racket (1981)
- The Years of Revolt: Trinidad 1881-1888 1984)
- Sylvester Devenish and the Irish in 19th Century Trinidad 1986)
- Seven Slaves and Slavery: 1777-1838 (1992)
- Scientific Sorties (1993)
- The Germans in Trinidad (1994)
- Surgery in Trinidad (1996)
- The de Verteuils of Trinidad 1797-1997 (1997)
- The Great Estates of Trinidad (2000)
- Western Isles of Trinidad (2002)
- Temples of Trinidad (2004)
- The Corsicans in Trinidad (2005)
- The McShines of Trinidad (2006)
- Leon de Gannes, Trinidad`s Raconteur (2008)
- Other Works 1974-1991: "And Then There Were None - The LeCadre Family"; "The Years Before: Trinidad 1829-1833"; "A History of Diego Martin 1784-1884"; "Eight East Indian Immigrants"
- 1993 - Humming Bird Medal (Gold)
- 2004 - Honorary LL.D. degree from The University of the West Indies (for work as educator, historian, and writer)
Compiled by Ronald C. Emrit |